Elf on the Shelf Kit
Thank you for purchasing an elf on the shelf it! Below you will find a a brief description on how to set up your elf- but feel free to us your own creativity!
If you purchased items for additional child- you'll find the extra items in a separate bag.
Day 1: Day 1 is your elf arrival! Stick your elf in the envelop and slide is head thru the slit created in the envelope. You can also add your child's name to the special delivery line!

Day 2: Grab your popcorn bag and pop it in the microwave! Set you your box and stick the elf inside. Fill your box with popcorn and prop up your sign! No judgement if you eat some of the popcorn first!

Day 3- Tuck the guitar under the elf arm and place the tips sign next to a small cup. (you can borrow the cup from the day 6 in needed!)

Day 5: It's time for a pool party! First step is to blow up the flamingo. You can elevate this day by floating him in a sink or bowl of water!

Day 6: Day 6 is my favorite activity! Fill your cup with marshmallows- tip fill your cup up with a paper towel and cover the top with the marshmallows for a more full look. Don't forget the straw! Marshmallows are only for elf consumption!

Day 7: Use removable glue dots to add red pom poms to elf nose and to pictures in your house! Best to do on glass picture frames.

Day 8: Fill our the elf report card for your kiddo! Be sure to disguise your handwriting!

Day 9: Set out ornament and paint next to elf and stick the paint brush in the elf's hands!

Day 10: Prop the elf in a sitting position and add the newspaper to his hands.

Day 11: Elf is departing the next day. Add their name to the tag and tie to the suitcase.

Day 12: Hide Santa button somewhere near your Christmas tree!